
Finding Focus and Clarity: My Word for 2024

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The start of 2024. The ball drops, the clock strikes midnight, and boom, another year is in the past. It truly is amazing how fast time goes. It can be easy to stay in a state of regret for the things that didn’t happen last year. But this is like a clean slate. A new year for new goals and new dreams.

One thing I have always struggled with is following through. Even with my good intentions, when I hit a roadblock, whether in writing, blogging, content creation, or whatever the circumstance might be, I stop completely. I get into the monotonous rut of starting and then stopping again. I can never complete anything. So that is why my word for 2024 is….


Consistency is what transforms average into excellence.

Being consistent is a choice. It is so easy to say,” nope, not tonight. I am going to binge watch the Office.” And sometimes you do need down time to clear your head, but too many times I have done it out of avoidance. That way I didn’t have to look at the daunting blank page and blinking cursor.

Writing can make you vulnerable and it’s hard to write when they are feelings you don’t necessarily want to feel. But, I understand how important being consistent is, even if the thing I write is complete garbage. Just pushing past that fear of failing, is already progress. 

So this year, I am committing to being consistent. No more excuses. So I am hoping to have you all keep me accountable as well as I journey through this next year with a renowned sense of fire and passion. 

I am excited to enter into this season with more direction than I think I ever have had before. I have many driving forces that encourage me to keep going. My family, my daughter, my desire to see change in my life. 

I encourage you all to fuel the fire. Desire more for yourself and for your life. Dreams are only going to remain dreams until you make them a reality. Push through fear of failure and know that failing, only increases your chance of succeeding the next time. 

So in light of my new resolution this year, here are a few of my favorite writing must haves and things that help keep me motivated and inspired.

They can also be found in my Amazon storefront as well. 

Let’s go 2024!

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