Mental Health

The Heart Behind Mental Health: 30 Ways to Ground

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I am bent, but not broken. I am scarred, but not disfigured. I am sad, but not hopeless. I am tired, but not powerless. I am angry, but not bitter. I am depressed, but not giving up.”

The Beginning

Some would call it a generational curse. But I call it the END of a generational curse. In my family, mental health has always been talked about, gotten help for, and not a taboo subject. Because of that, I honestly feel like that set me up for more success in the future. However, there were moments, and still are, when it can feel lonely and like no one gets it. But choosing to overcome the lies and get out of bed each day is the first step to not allowing the enemy to steal your joy and will to live life. Every label the world has tried to place on you is something you struggle with, not something you are. My battle with mental health started when I was twelve, and over the years, it has gotten better and then worse again. I have gone on medication, sought counseling, and tried to live life the best I could. Has it always been easy? HECK NO! However, through different grounding techniques and the love and grace of my Savior Jesus Christ, I can see the light again. This is the heart of why I chose to write Mental Health: 30 Ways to Ground

The Why

I began this project right after I had my daughter at the end of 2022. It took over a year to write as life happened, parenthood happened, and many other roadblocks. But I did finish it, and that is HUGE for me. I began this project for the sheer purpose of helping others. I wanted others to be encouraged by my story and have extra tools to add to their toolbox as they navigate their struggles. As I wrote it, I realized how much each of the things mentioned in this book resonated with me in different parts of my journey. The purpose of this book was to provide extra hope and encouragement amidst the darkness and feeling like the light at the end of the tunnel will never come. I don’t claim to be a doctor. I don’t claim to have all the answers and give you this false sense of security that everything is fine and dandy now. It’s a battle. Every day, you have to wake up ready and willing to fight against the evil and darkness that will want to consume every area of your life. My why was being able to share what has worked for me, and hopefully something in here will be the stepping stone in someone else’s journey. 

How to Get Your Own Copy!

My hope through this is how much I want others to hear my heart and desire for what I want this book to accomplish. I am not just trying to advertise. This book means a lot to me, and I hope you will take a chance on it. Please use the Contact Me page with questions, concerns, or thoughts. We are all learning and taking life one day at a time together. If you are interested in learning more and getting a copy, you can find it at my Stan Store here. There are other passion projects of mine there, too, so take the time to check them out! Every one of your support and encouragement means the world. My life is nothing special, but choosing to share and hope it reaches just one person makes all of this worth it. Choosing a positive mindset, trusting God, and taking leaps of faith have made my life incredibly special. 

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